mo mu. ta lo ne pu te.

Welcome to the homepage of ta lo ne, a constructed language of only 30 words, comprising the elemental range of universal existence, feeling, thought, being, and action. Inspired by toki ponata lo ne aims to give the speaker freedom to show expression with artful simplicity, rather than superfluity.

ta lo ne has been created with the philosophies of yin (阴) and yang () and the universal spirit of being. When we look at spoken language, it is amazing how so much must often be uttered in order to get across a simple emotion. ta lo ne can word-for-word be translated as "life meaning language" (see title), which reflects its terse quality of conveying human thought.

It is true that a language such as
ta lo ne may well be unfit for the fields of science, technology, or advanced literature.
However, it is my hope that people may find ta lo ne a creative means of exploring and learning to appreciate the simple things in life. ne ku.

Please enjoy this web site and feel free to email me. mu!

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